About McTimoney

Daily life can put a considerable amount of stress on an animal's body - whether it is through being ridden, raced, jumped, driven, through conformational anomalies, the use of tack and other equipment, falls, rough play, getting cast in the stable and other injuries. All this makes them particularly vulnerable to minor misalignments in the vertebral column and pelvis which can affect their performance.

McTimoney Therapy is a form of chiropractic which was introduced in the 1950s by the late John McTimoney, who applied his innovative chiropractic skills to animals.

For over 40 years, McTimoney animal practitioners have been helping animals with this non-invasive technique which involves no tools, drugs or anaesthetic and which most animals readily accept.

The McTimoney technique aims to align and balance the animal's musculoskeletal system. By manipulating any misaligned joints throughout the whole body, with special attention to the spine and pelvis, it helps both to restore and maintain health, soundness and performance. The fast but gentle adjustments are light to receive, so most animals relax during the treatment and respond very positively. McTimoney treatment is effective because it works to eliminate the cause, not just treat the symptoms. Adjustments can be used alongside massage, mobilisation, myofascial release and stretching as appropriate for the individual animal.

All horses and dogs can benefit from McTimoney treatment, from top performance horses to happy hackers and from highly trained working/competition dogs to our much-loved family pets.

If you have any concerns about your animal, or would just like a maintenance treatment to ensure that they are in peak condition, please call for friendly advice or to make an appointment on 07976 218 250.